
Store in a cool, dark place. Properly stored winter squash can last for months!
Winter Squash
Sold in store only
Acorn Squash
small in size, around 1-2 pounds, with orange-yellow flesh and thick, dark green/orange skin.
Acorn squash has a mild, subtly sweet and nutty flavor.
Baked, roasted, steamed, sautéed, or even cooked in the microwave.
Buttercup Squash
Oblong with an inedible dark green rind that has green-gray stripes. It has firm, orange flesh.
Buttercup squash has a sweet, creamy flavor
Steaming and baking
Butternut Squash
pear-shaped & has a smooth, cream-colored exterior with bright orange flesh
This is the sweetest variety of winter squash.
Roasting, sautéing, purées or soups.
Carnival Squash
Orange-, yellow-, and green-striped exterior and yellow flesh.
Sweet, mellow-flavored squash, Has a buttery texture when cooked.
Roasting can make it sweeter, but carnival squash can also be steamed or puréed.
Delicata Squash (sweet potato)
Small & cylindrical. It has thin cream/yellow-colored skin with green stripes, and orange-yellow flesh.
Creamy flesh & a mild flavor
Baked, roasted, sautéed, or steamed. Also ideal for stuffing.
Hubbard Squash
One of the largest varieties of winter squash. It has a hard, firm grey exterior
Rich, sweet pumpkin flavor.
Cooking, baking & especially great for making pie.
White Acorn Squash (mashed potato)
Oval-shaped, cream-colored. Stringy, yellow or cream flesh.
Mild-tasting, buttery.
Roasted, baked, steamed, or puréed
Spaghetti Squash
Cylindrical shape, firm cream - yellow exterior.
When you cook the squash, the flesh resembles spaghetti. A gluten free pasta alternative!
Tender, chewy texture, & a very mild flavor.
Roast or steam it, then scrape out the strands & eat it like spaghetti.
Sweet Dumpling Squash
Small yellow squash, with bright orange & dark green stripes
Starchy and sweet
stuffing and roasting.
Honeynut Squash
Looks like a tiny butternut
Very sweet & buttery
Roasting, sautéing, purées or soups.

Family Favorite Recipes

Peel the squash and remove the seeds
Slice the squash into1-inch cubes
Spread the cubes on a parchment-lined baking sheet in a single layer. Freeze.
Transfer the frozen squash to a zip-top bag or container